Plot: The first cartoon inspired escape room in Greece is a fact! After been brainwashed from the evil Plangton did to him SpongeBob SquarePants needs your help… Be the protagonist of Bikini Bottom and help Bob rediscover the secret Krabby Patty burgers recipe!!
Company: Break Away
Address: Gerakari 2 , Ioannina
Group of 2 - 15€/person
Group of 3 - 12€/person
Group of 4 - 10€/person
Group of 5 - 9€/person
Group of 3 - 12€/person
Group of 4 - 10€/person
Group of 5 - 9€/person
Group of 6 - 8,34€/person
Duration:61 Minutes
Note:You can choose the difficulty of the room based on the age of the players of your team. The easy mode is recomended for players up to 12 years old and the hard mode for older players.